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Errant Journal

Errant Journal is a cultural/political publication loosely inspired by Édouard Glissant´s notion of the Poetics of Relation in which he opposes ideas of centers, linearity, roots and dichotomy. Errant, meaning both ‘deviating from an accepted norm’ and ‘wandering’, represents a way of breaking free from the idea of identity based on origin and the possibility to possess a totality of knowledge. It is never the goal to know everything, to see and understand something in its entirety. Instead, a person who is ‘errant’ rejects the universal and challenges the idea that the world is transparent and explainable. By being a ´journal´ we mimic the academic standard, while our content aims to stretch the limits of how knowledge is ‘officially’ and ‘correctly’ produced.



Preis Einzelverkauf:


Aktuelle Ausgabe:

Nächste Ausgabe:

Stichting Errant Journal

Unregelmäßig (max. 2 pro Jahr)


8 Februar 2024 (Nummer 6)

5 September 2024 (Nummer 7)

Errant Journal

Stichting Errant Journal
Unregelmäßig (max. 2 pro Jahr)


Aktuelle Ausgabe:
8 Februar 2024 (Nummer 6)

Nächste Ausgabe:

5 September 2024 (Nummer 7)
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