Structural staff shortages at PostNL and rebuilding at several PostNL distribution centres meant that mail was either not delivered or delivered late.
At the moment, it is unclear when PostNL will clear its backlogs. We are in daily contact with PostNL to ensure you receive your magazine or your order. Apologies for the inconvenience.

BarberSociety Magazine

BarberSociety magazine is het eerste en enige Nederlandstalige barber magazine van Nederland en België.Het magazine is hèt uitgangspunt voor de Nederlandstalige barbier/herenkapper. Gericht op de professionals uit het herenvak, voorzien van de laatste ontwikkelingen.Met een focus op educatie en inspiratie waarbij mannelijke verzorging centraal staat. BarberSociety magazine geeft nieuwe inzichten in de wereld van de zelfbewuste man. Daardoor ook aansprekend voor klanten van de barbier/herenkapper.



Price single sale:


Current edition:

Next edition:

Subscription price:

BarberSociety BV

4x per year


13 December 2024 (number 28-Winter)

4 April 2025 (number 29-Lente)


BarberSociety Magazine

BarberSociety BV
4x per year


Current edition:
13 December 2024 (number 28-Winter)

Next edition:

4 April 2025 (number 29-Lente)
PLEASE NOTE: This will change the e-mail address of your subscription, not your account on

Schedule BarberSociety Magazine
YearEditionRelease dateLatest delivery date

Trial and gift subscriptions expire automatically unless otherwise stated in the offer. All other subscriptions are valid until cancellation. All offers are valid as long as they are listed on this page. For offers with a welcome gift, the rule is while stocks last. If you no longer see a previous offer on this page, it is unfortunately no longer valid.

If you have any questions about your subscription, you can contact us via the contact form. This can be found by clicking on the button: ‘I have another question’.

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