NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion
NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion, formerly known as Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift (NTT), is a leading platform for academic debate in the fields of religion and theology. The journal was established in 1946 and is the oldest journal of its kind in the Netherlands. NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion has a broad scope and welcomes contributions from religious studies, theology, and a wide range of disciplines within the humanities and the social sciences which investigate religions and religious phenomena. The journal regularly publishes special issues which discuss current topics in the study of religion.
Preis Einzelverkauf:
Aktuelle Ausgabe:
Nächste Ausgabe:
Amsterdam University Press BV
4x pro Jahr
8 Januar 2025 (nummer 4)
21 März 2025 (nummer 1)

NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion
Nächste Ausgabe:
Kümmern Sie sich selbst darum
Year | Edition | Release date | Latest delivery date |
2025 | 1 | 21-03-2025 | 24-03-2025 |
2025 | 2 | 20-06-2025 | 23-06-2025 |
2025 | 3 | 15-08-2025 | 18-08-2025 |
2025 | 4 | 19-12-2025 | 22-12-2025 |
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